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5468 3635


Leave a Green Legacy

For the Survival of Our Future Generations

Every Legacy Donor Has
A Unique Story


"As a cancer survivor, I know that life is unpredictable. To reduce any burden on my loved ones, I have prepared a Will and hope my legacy gift to charity would help others continue to make the best out of their lives. 🙂"

Katy Tong


Make a Will in 3 Steps



Submit Your Wishes

Upon receiving your registration, we will contact you to collect your Will wishes including details about how to distribute your assets and to whom. 



Lawyer Drafts Your Will


A qualified lawyer in our network will then draft your Will to ensure that your wishes are accurately reflected, giving you a complete peace of mind.



Sign & Witness Your Will

When your Will is ready, we will arrange to have you sign it at the lawyer's office. The lawyer will explain the contents of the Will and confirm them with you, then witness your signature of the Will.

What do you care about?

Promote a Green Society  for Achieving a Sustainable Future

You wish that children can continue to enjoy living on this beautiful planet under the blue sky for decades to come. 


Therefore, we hope the seedlings we keep planting in country parks would become shades in the future for cooling humankind and mitigating global warming.  


We have sown the seeds of cherishment in society by educating the public to act green and cultivating the belief about low carbon and less plastic lifestyle in their minds. Together, we would make our future sustainable.  


This is not a slogan of our philosophy, but daily practices.

— The Green Earth

Leaving a gift in your will to a charity could make a big difference. What impact would you like to make?

Be Remembered


Make a mark in history. Pass on your passions, values and beliefs to future generations.

Support a Cause


Continue to fight for the cause you believe in, and make the world a better place.

Vision & Mission of

Around the world, people leave gifts to charities in their Wills to support a cause, honour a loved one, or be remembered for something that matters to them. Many charities rely on these gifts to create a bigger impact and to thrive in the long term. Yet, not everyone is aware of this way of supporting the charities they love, or know where to get started. ​


Our vision is a world where everyone can leave a legacy and make a lasting impact on the causes closest to their hearts. Our mission is to make it easy for you to give and charities to receive the most impactful gifts. 


To date, legacy gifts made through our service have amounted to hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars, with over 100 charities named as beneficiaries. ​


Your most impactful gifts start here. Start by making a Will today.

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Professional Support from Lawyers

We collaborate with law firms that donate their time and expertise for a bigger impact. In support of ForeverGift's mission, each law firm helps you write your Will for free. 

This free service covers a "basic" Will, which refers to a Will governed by the laws of Hong Kong where you are leaving your Hong Kong assets to a few family members, friends and charities. Each Will should have one to four executors.


If you have complex family circumstances, own assets outside of Hong Kong, require setting up of trusts, powers of attorney or other legal documents or devices, you may need for pay a law firm for these additional services. Where that is the case, the law firm will provide you with a quote, and it is up to you whether to accept. We at ForeverGift will not be involved in these discussions or charge you any fees.


Make your most impactful gift today.

Create Your Free Will

Please contact if you have any questions about writing your will:

+852 5468 3635 (WhatsApp)

Please contact The Green Earth to learn more about their mission and work:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 訂立遺囑的服務是否免費?我需要捐贈多少遺產,才可以享用此免費服務?
    只要你願意向我們捐贈最少 10,000 港元如下: 現在捐贈最少 2,000 港元 (在生捐贈);及 過身後捐贈最少 8,000 港元 (遺產捐贈) 遺善最樂可為你安排律師免費為你訂立遺囑,延續你的愛心和使命。 過程簡單方便,而且具法律效力。
  • 平安紙和遺囑有分別嗎?
  • 遺囑有什麼作用?
  • 如果我不立遺囑,情況會怎樣?
  • 遺囑可以在訂立後修改嗎?
  • 除了捐贈,我可否分配遺產給親友?
    可以。遺產的分配完全視乎您的意願而定。 以下是一些參考例子: 例子(1) 🏠 所有物業 ➜ 配偶 (後備: 妹妹) 💰 剩餘遺產 90% ➜ 配偶 (後備: 妹妹) 💰 剩餘遺產 10% ➜ 慈善機構名稱:_______ 例子(2) 🏠 所有物業 ➜ 配偶 (後備: 妹妹) 💵 HKD 100,000 ➜ 慈善機構名稱:_______ 🏦 銀行存款結餘 ➜ 配偶 (後備: 妹妹) 💰 剩餘遺產 100% ➜ 配偶 (後備: 妹妹) 例子(3) 💰 資產 50% ➜ 慈善機構 A 名稱:_______ 💰 資產 50% ➜ 慈善機構 B 名稱:_______
  • 我該如何分配遺產?
    遺產的分配完全視乎您的意願而定。以下是一些參考例子: 例子(1) 🏠 物業 ➜ 兒子 (後備: 女兒) 💰 剩餘遺產 90% ➜ 女兒 (後備: 兒子) 💰 剩餘遺產 10% ➜ 慈善機構名稱:_______ 例子(2) 💵 HKD 50,000 ➜ 慈善機構名稱:_______ 🏠 物業 ➜ 配偶 (後備: 妹妹) 💰 剩餘遺產 100% ➜ 配偶 (後備: 妹妹) 例子(3) 💰 所有遺產 50% ➜ 慈善機構 A 名稱:_______ 50% ➜ 慈善機構 B 名稱:_______
  • 我是否要列出所有資產?
    如果您將所有資產加在一起,然後用百分比分配給不同的受益人,您便不須在遺囑裡列出個別資產的資料。 如果您把某些指定資產分配給指定的受益人(例如物業給受益人 A, 銀行結餘給受益人 B),為清晰起見,您須在遺囑裡列出個別資產的資料 (例如物業地址、銀行戶口號碼),但不用列明資產總值。 為了方便執行人日後尋找和處理您的資產,在訂立遺囑之後,您可自行預備一份資產清單,與您的遺囑放在一起。清單應包括您的所有保險計劃編號、銀行戶口號碼、物業地址等等的資料。您也可經常更新這清單, 而不用每次修改您的遺囑。
  • 可以選擇捐給什麼機構嗎?
  • 最少要捐贈多少?
    只要你願意向我們捐贈最少 10,000 港元如下: 現在捐贈最少 2,000 港元 (在生捐贈);及 過身後捐贈最少 8,000 港元 (遺產捐贈) 遺善最樂可為你安排律師免費為你訂立遺囑,延續你的愛心和使命。 過程簡單方便,而且具法律效力。
  • 我的資產與親友聯名,可否寫進遺囑?
    如果物業或銀行戶口是聯名 (聯權) 的,會自動由其他聯權擁有人繼承, 不會成為您的遺產。遺囑可指明如果其他聯權擁有人都比您早逝,誰該成為受益人。
  • 遺囑可否處理保險金?
    保險金款項將直接轉移給保單受益人,因此不會被視為您遺產的一部份。 如果保單受益人全部比您早逝,或您沒有指明保單受益人,保險金才會成為您遺產的一部分。遺囑可以指明在這個情況下如何分配您的保險金。如果沒有指明,保險金會計入您的「剩餘遺產」作分配。
  • 這遺囑可以處理境外資產嗎?
    我們的免費遺囑服務只能處理你的香港資產。關於境外資產,你可以考慮另外訂立一份符合當地法律的遺囑,對日後遺囑的執行會較為方便。 如果你有英國資產,除了訂立一份香港的遺囑之外,我們可以代為安排在英國執業的律師,為你另外訂立一份符合英國法律的遺囑,以處理在英國的資產。如有興趣,可以在這裡登記:
  • 我需要自行找見證人嗎?
  • 我找不到適合的遺囑執行人,仍然可以用這服務嗎?
    在個別情況下,我們可為您安排律師做執行人,費用會在您過身後,從遺產裡收取。如有需要,可以聯絡我們 (Whatsapp 5468 3635) 了解詳情。
  • 如果我已經有遺囑,可否加入遺贈的條款?

5468 3635 (WhatsApp)

© 2021 Legal Redesigned Limited


Legal advice and legal documents are provided by third party practising lawyers that have joined the ForeverGift platform. We are not a law firm and do not give legal advice.

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